CHI St. Joseph's Health Same day orthopedic appointments. CHI St. Joseph's Health Orthopedics No more waiting in pain. Your hometown orthopedic experts understand the urgency of your orthopedic care and are here to help. With SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE and same day urgent calls, we're here to provide prompt and personalized care. NO REFERRAL NEEDED! Open Monday-Friday. Call 218-616-3700 to schedule an appointment or go to to learn more. Hello humankindness CHI St. Joseph's Health Same day orthopedic appointments . CHI St. Joseph's Health Orthopedics No more waiting in pain . Your hometown orthopedic experts understand the urgency of your orthopedic care and are here to help . With SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE and same day urgent calls , we're here to provide prompt and personalized care . NO REFERRAL NEEDED ! Open Monday - Friday . Call 218-616-3700 to schedule an appointment or go to to learn more . Hello humankindness