First English Lutheran Church of Dorset LCMS Our Mission: We teach the Word of God in all its truth and purity in order that all may live fuller and godly lives. We seek to bring God's Word to all people so they may share His grace, the gifts of forgiveness and eternal life. As we search the "truth", Jesus reminds us: "I am the way, the truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) Our History: First English Lutheran Church of Dorset is also known as the Little Stone Church of Dorset. In 1936 congregational members brought rose-hued field stones to form "Living Stones" to create a spiritual House of God. "You are coming to Christ, who is the living cornerstone of God's temple. He was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor." (1 Peter 2:4) Who we are: We are a congregation of the Minnesota North District of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, who believe in the inspired and inerrant Word of God as confessed in the Lutheran Confessions. When we hear His Word, when we hear His Gospel, promises are delivered as we know the Lord is working Location: 20252 State 226 Park Rapids, MN 56470 218-732-9466 Phone: Pastor Rev. Jordan DeBoer through us, delivering His Gifts, forgiving us and giving us eternal life. We are traditional and historic in our worship service, following the liturgical Lutheran Service Book, a compilation of Christ-centered Divine Services, psalms, hymns, and prayers to nourish the faithful week after week. Our worship is historic and is designed to glorify God rejoicing in his salvation. Worship Services: 9:00 am. Sunday Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Sunday Bible Class 10:30 a.m. Children's Sunday School (Sept.-May) Bible Studies: Adult bible studies (Wed & Fri) Confirmation Classes (Wed) Student Release Time Classes (Park Rapids/ Nevis) Vacation Bible School Activities: Active Christian Teens (ACT) Lutheran Women Missionary League (LWML) Mary/Dorcas Circle Men's Club Quilting Bee First English Lutheran Church of Dorset LCMS Our Mission : We teach the Word of God in all its truth and purity in order that all may live fuller and godly lives . We seek to bring God's Word to all people so they may share His grace , the gifts of forgiveness and eternal life . As we search the " truth " , Jesus reminds us : " I am the way , the truth , and the Life . No one comes to the Father except through me . " ( John 14 : 6 ) Our History : First English Lutheran Church of Dorset is also known as the Little Stone Church of Dorset . In 1936 congregational members brought rose - hued field stones to form " Living Stones " to create a spiritual House of God . " You are coming to Christ , who is the living cornerstone of God's temple . He was rejected by people but he was chosen by God for great honor . " ( 1 Peter 2 : 4 ) Who we are : We are a congregation of the Minnesota North District of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod , who believe in the inspired and inerrant Word of God as confessed in the Lutheran Confessions . When we hear His Word , when we hear His Gospel , promises are delivered as we know the Lord is working Location : 20252 State 226 Park Rapids , MN 56470 218-732-9466 Phone : Pastor Rev. Jordan DeBoer through us , delivering His Gifts , forgiving us and giving us eternal life . We are traditional and historic in our worship service , following the liturgical Lutheran Service Book , a compilation of Christ - centered Divine Services , psalms , hymns , and prayers to nourish the faithful week after week . Our worship is historic and is designed to glorify God rejoicing in his salvation . Worship Services : 9:00 am . Sunday Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Sunday Bible Class 10:30 a.m. Children's Sunday School ( Sept. - May ) Bible Studies : Adult bible studies ( Wed & Fri ) Confirmation Classes ( Wed ) Student Release Time Classes ( Park Rapids / Nevis ) Vacation Bible School Activities : Active Christian Teens ( ACT ) Lutheran Women Missionary League ( LWML ) Mary / Dorcas Circle Men's Club Quilting Bee