Powering what's GREAT RIVER ENERGY is a Minnesoto wholesale power cooperative, governed by our member-owners. We serve communities, not stockholders. Our roots run generations deep. WE BELIEVE IN INNOVATION. We are constantly evaluation new ways to provide power more affordably, reliably and sustainably Together, we light the stodium at homecoming and the stoge for the school play. We fuel the rides at the county fair. We think economic development can mean a new foctory, or a new restaurant in your neighborhood. We believe power isn't just electricity. It's possibility Great River Energy-Powering what's possible grleEledtric Cooperative Aowhead Coopeative BENCO Electic Cooperative Brown County Rurol Electricol Association Coopeive light&Pou Cow Wing Pwer Dosol Bectic Association Eat Central Energ Federated Rurol Electric Association Goodhue County Cooperative Bectric Association soo-Mantrop Cooperotive Electricol Assooaton Kandiyohi Power Cosperative Lake County Power Lake Region Blectric Cooperaie Molood Coopenative Power Asociarion Mecker Coopetive Mille Lacs Energy CocpetiMinesla Vlley Blecric Cooperative Nbles Cooperaie Eledric North oco Eledtric Cooperive Wigh Hennepin Cooperdlive Blectric Associotion GREAT RIVER ENERGY greatriverenergy.com