Be Safe Stay clear of downed power lines POWERFUL STORMS can damoge power lines. If you see a downed power line: NEVER TOUCH Stay at least 50 feet away from it and assume it is energized. The ground may also be energized making the entire area extremely dangerous. A DOWNED POWER LINE. Always assume it is energized and call 911 immediately. - Never touch anything that is touching a downed power line. It is as dangerous as the line itself. - Ifa power line falls on your vehicle while you are in it, stay inside your vehicle until help arrives. Great River Energy-Powering what's possible Agrolite Bedric Coperotive Arrowheed Cooperative, Inc. BENCO Electric Cooperative Brown County Rural Bedrical Asociafion Connenus Energy Cooperative Light & fover Crow Wing Pover Dokoto Bectric Amociation East Central Energy Federoted Rural Elecric Associetion Goodhue County Cooperofive Blectric Associotion onco-Mentrop Coeperative Electrical Elechric North hosco Bechic Cooperafive, Ine Redwood Eechric Cooperafive Runestone Electric Associolion South Centrol Electie Association Steams Electric Association Steele-Woseco Cooperative Elechic Todd-Wadena Blectric Cooperative Wight-ennepin Conperotive Elecric Asaciation GREAT RIVER ENERGY. Be Safe Stay clear of downed power lines POWERFUL STORMS can damoge power lines. If you see a downed power line: NEVER TOUCH Stay at least 50 feet away from it and assume it is energized. The ground may also be energized making the entire area extremely dangerous. A DOWNED POWER LINE. Always assume it is energized and call 911 immediately. - Never touch anything that is touching a downed power line. It is as dangerous as the line itself. - Ifa power line falls on your vehicle while you are in it, stay inside your vehicle until help arrives. Great River Energy-Powering what's possible Agrolite Bedric Coperotive Arrowheed Cooperative, Inc. BENCO Electric Cooperative Brown County Rural Bedrical Asociafion Connenus Energy Cooperative Light & fover Crow Wing Pover Dokoto Bectric Amociation East Central Energy Federoted Rural Elecric Associetion Goodhue County Cooperofive Blectric Associotion onco-Mentrop Coeperative Electrical Elechric North hosco Bechic Cooperafive, Ine Redwood Eechric Cooperafive Runestone Electric Associolion South Centrol Electie Association Steams Electric Association Steele-Woseco Cooperative Elechic Todd-Wadena Blectric Cooperative Wight-ennepin Conperotive Elecric Asaciation GREAT RIVER ENERGY.